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Spring Registration Now - March 1st!

Spring Registration Now - March 1st!

News Detail


Jun, 2021

Important Info

Following is some important information to help you prepare for the upcoming volleyball season:

- The season will consist of 10 matches over six weeks.
- Registration is $75 per player, and includes uniform shirt. In addition, players will need to wear black shorts and gym shoes for games, and are encouraged to wear knee pads.
- Players are encouraged to purchase a Volley Lite (3-6th)ball to practice at home, however coaches will have balls at practice, so players do not need to bring balls to practice.
- By registering your child, you understand that your family will be required to volunteer at two home pages per season, plus any home tournament games. Don't worry, it's easy! Volunteer roles include line judges, admission gate, and scores table, and you can learn what to do on the spot. More specific information about volunteering for your team will be provided.
- Please consider coaching you get a 50% discount! Visit our Volunteer Opportunities page to sign up. We will teach you what to do and support you throughout the season. This league could not operate without our wonderful parent coaches! There will be a coaching clinic this year!!


Madeira Rec Volleyball
Madeira, Ohio 45243

Email: [email protected]

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